Shipment Discrepancy "*" indicates required fields This form is to be used when the incorrect item is received from what the packing slip with the item displays. Tech Name* Your Company*AIGCaltronics-NorthCaltronics-SouthCBECenturyCopyLinkC4FlexPrintFlo-TechFTG-GOFTG-TexasLaser OptionsLaser TechMillenniumProCopyShamrockSOS AtlantaUltrexTech Email* Manager's Email* Item Ordered* Quantity*Item Shipped* Quantity*Packing Slip* Transfer Number (TN#) Purchase Order Number (PO#) TN# or PO# Re-ship* Yes. Please re-order. No. Not needed at this time. Keep Item(s)* Yes. Transfer to me and I will keep. No. Transfer to me temporarily and please send a return label. NotesCAPTCHA